European XFEL Environments
This documentation covers the use, contents, and management of the software environments provided for users at European XFEL.
To learn more about how to use the environments please see the Using Environments page, which covers the Environment Module System system used on Maxwell, how to Work with our Conda/Mamba Environments as well as how to Create Your Own Environments.
Most environments are provided via Mamba (a drop-in replacement for Conda, which has better performance for installations), we aim for these environments to be broadly reproducible in the future and as such you can find a
Lock files are provided to ensure that the environments are reproducible, and to allow users to replicate the environments provided on Maxwell locally.
You can find a list of the environments in the Environment List section, and by clicking the name of the environment you can see what it provides. Alternatively you can directly view the environment definition files in the environments directory.
If you would like to create your own custom environments, then check the Creating Your Own Environments section.
Notes on the management of our environments can be found in the Maintenance section (Environment Management, Recipe Creation, and Conda Installations). These are intended for the maintainers of the repository, but may be of interest to users wanting to set up their own environments.