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We maintain Julia modules (module load exfel julia) to set appropriate environment variables, and a global read-only Julia depot.

Updating Julia

juliaup is installed in the xsoft account, and it's configured to store everything under /gpfs/exfel/sw/software/juliaup.

  • To update all installed Julia versions run juliaup up. Afterwards you will need to update the binary paths in the module files. Run juliaup st to see all installed versions.
  • If a new minor version is available you may need to add the channel explicitly with juliaup add 1.XX, and then add a new modulefile for the new minor version. You will also need to add a cron job to update the global depot for the previous minor version (see the global depot section).

Currently we only maintain modules for minor versions, not patch versions. If it turns out a specific patch version is necessary then we will need to rethink this.

The global depot and environments

The global depot is stored here: /gpfs/exfel/sw/software/julia-depot. It and the global environments are updated automatically by cron jobs that run the update-julia-env script (under scripts/julia of this repo). The Julia modules will add the global depot to JULIA_DEPOT_PATH with the goal of reducing precompilation times for users using those packages. A default Julia environment is not activated by default but the latest one can be set with the JULIA_EXFEL_ENV environment variable: julia --project=$JULIA_EXFEL_ENV.

The Project.toml and Manifest-v*.toml files of the environments are stored in the environments/ subdirectories along with the Python environment lockfiles.

CUDA.jl is one of the packages we keep in the environment and that must be precompiled on a GPU to work, so if you're running update-julia-depot manually make sure you do it with e.g. srun -p allgpu update-julia-depot. The cron jobs do that already. From time to time the CUDA runtime should also be updated, to do that change the call to CUDA.set_runtime_version! in the update-julia-env script.

  • Run crontab -e as xsoft on max-exfl-display001 to see the cron jobs for it. The precompile files are per-Julia version (and also a lot of other things that we don't care about), so there should be one cron job per supported Julia module.
  • To add a package to an environment, activate the environment and ] add it as usual. Remember to set a compat bound for it.