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#%Module 1.0
#  xfel 1.1
proc ModulesHelp {} {
    puts stdout     " "
    puts stdout     "This module sets the Anaconda Distribution at European XFEL  "
    puts stdout     " "

module-whatis  "Setup environemt for data analysis tools at EuXFEL "
if { [ module-info mode load ] } {
    system "/gpfs/exfel/sw/software/local/etc/ 'exfel_anaconda3/1.1'"
    prepend-path PATH    /gpfs/exfel/sw/software/xfel_anaconda3/1.1/bin/
    setenv _CONDA_EXE    /gpfs/exfel/sw/software/xfel_anaconda3/1.1/bin/conda
    setenv _CONDA_ROOT   /gpfs/exfel/sw/software/xfel_anaconda3/1.1/bin/
    setenv              OPENCL_VENDOR_PATH /etc/OpenCL/vendors
    puts stdout     "echo -e '\n\033\[0;31mWarning: this is an old environment kept for reproducibility'"
    puts stdout     "echo -e '\n\033\[0;31mIf possible use exfel_anaconda3 (without a version) to get the latest environment'"
} elseif { [module-info mode remove] && ![module-info mode switch3] } {
    remove-path PATH /gpfs/exfel/sw/software/xfel_anaconda3/1.1/bin/
    unsetenv _CONDA_EXE
    unsetenv _CONDA_ROOT